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Finding Your Perfect Online Business Manager

5 Key Steps to Finding Your Perfect Online Business Manager

March 12, 20243 min read

5 Key Steps to Finding Your Perfect Online Business Manager

Are you feeling overwhelmed with managing your marketing efforts? Do you find yourself juggling multiple tasks and struggling to stay organized? If so, it might be time to consider hiring an Online Business Manager (OBM). But how do you ensure you find the perfect fit for your business? Fear not! In this post, we'll walk you through the essential steps to help you find the ideal OBM to elevate your business.

Step 1: Define Your Needs

The first step in finding your perfect OBM is to clearly define your marketing challenges. Take some time to identify areas where you're struggling, whether it's lead generation, campaign management, or content strategy. Understanding your pain points will guide you in finding an OBM whose expertise aligns with your marketing goals.

Before diving into the hiring process, take some time to clearly define what you need from an OBM. Are you struggling with lead generation, team management, or systems organization? Knowing your pain points will help you find an OBM whose strengths align with your business challenges.

Step 2: Know Their Specialties

Not all OBMs specialize in the same areas of marketing. Some excel in social media management, while others are experts in email marketing automation or PPC advertising. During the selection process, it's crucial to ask potential candidates about their marketing specialties and previous experience in your industry.

Not all OBMs are created equal. Some excel in team leadership, while others thrive in systemization and automation. For example, my expertise is in marketing operations.  As you know I think of marketing as just another system and like to rely on data-driven decisions.  That means creating dashboards for all marketing campaigns and systemizing our efforts so our marketing campaigns can go off without a hitch.

During the interview process, ask potential candidates about their zone of genius and favorite aspects of the OBM role. This will ensure you find someone whose strengths complement your business needs.

Step 3: Assess Personality Fit

As your right-hand person, your OBM's personality should mesh well with yours. Consider factors like communication style, work ethic, and values alignment. A strong personality fit will foster a productive and harmonious working relationship, so don't overlook this step!

Step 4: Conduct Thorough Interviews

Once you've narrowed down your candidates, conduct thorough interviews to gauge their experience, expertise, and compatibility with your business. Ask about their typical day as an OBM, their favorite and least favorite aspects of the role, and how they handle challenging situations.

Step 5: Seal the Deal

Found the perfect match? Congratulations! Seal the deal by discussing expectations, responsibilities, and terms of engagement. Clarify communication channels, project management tools, and reporting structures to ensure a smooth transition and successful collaboration.

Ready to Elevate Your Marketing Game?

As an OBM specializing in marketing systems and organization, I'm passionate about helping businesses like yours streamline their marketing efforts for success. If you're ready to explore how we can work together to elevate your marketing game, click here to learn more about me and my services. Still thinking it over?  Head over to the shop for DIY options if you're not quite ready to hire yet.

OBMOnline Business Manager
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